Weekly Coaching, 6 Months
Weekly Coaching, 6 Months
Fully custom training plan, delivered via TrainingPeaks. Training is written in blocks of one to four weeks as appropriate.
Baseline and quarterly assessments of cycling proficiency, strengths and weaknesses.
Annual training plan development and programming for in-season and out-of-season training.
Weekly recurring call to review progress-to-date, prior week performance, and fine-tune the upcoming week.
Workouts reviewed & updated twice per week, creating the flexibility to adapt training to changes in the athlete’s training load and life schedule.
In-depth training data analysis and power profiling using WKO5 software, providing further optimization of training.
Baseline and quarterly assessment of overall strength, power, and functional movement ability.
Custom strength and conditioning work developed by Coach Steve and assigned when appropriate.
Access via text for emergent questions.
Pre- and post-race check-ins.
Race day support via text.
Year end review and assessment conducted to evaluate efficacy of training and the coach-athlete relationship.
The Weekly Coaching Package is the cornerstone of Bell Lap’s offerings, and offers a high degree of coach-athlete communication and flexibility in workout programming.